Version Released 6/22/2015
Download Free Trial
A free trial version of ShowSim can be downloaded and installed on your computer to make sure the software will work as expected. The trial version can be downloaded by clicking the corresponding link below:

The trial versions will allow you to run the program 30 times. All features in the trial versions are operational with the following exceptions:
- Can not create video files
- Can not print reports
- Watermark on display area
- Can not export show data
After downloading the .zip file for the installer, extract all the files from it into a temporary folder and run setup to install the program. If you try to run setup directly from the zip folder you will get installation errors about missing files, so be sure extract all files from the folder first and then run setup from the new folder where the files were extracted to.
System Requirements
- PC compatible computer
- Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (both 32 and 64 bit)
- At least 2.5 GHz clock speed recommended
- ATI or NVIDIA graphics accelerator with Direct3D 9.0 or higher support (the more memory the better)
- Some early releases of the Intel brand integrated graphics cards had problems running ShowSim, but the problem seems to have been fixed with newer systems.
- Some Mac users have reported the ability to use ShowSim when running Parallels Desktop and Bootcamp. While Mac is not an officially supported platform, we have modified the software several times to resolve issues that prevented it from running on Mac systems.